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Recommended Reading

General Studies in Myth, Language, Pre-conversion Sacrifice,Gifting, Ritual, and Religion

  • Creation of the Sacred : Tracks of Biology in Early Religions by Walter Burkert

  • The Horse, the Wheel and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World by David W. Anthony 

  • Myth, Ritual, and Religion, Vol. 1 and 2 by Andrew G. Lang

  • The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure by Victor W. Turner 

  • Sacrifice: Its Nature and Function by Henri Hubert, Marcel Mauss, W.D. Halls (*)

  • The Creation of Mythology by Marcel Detienne

  • Sacred Gifts: Reciprocity and the Gods by Kirk S. Thomas (*)

  • Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice by Catherine Bell 

  • Ritual : Dimensions and Perspectives by Catherine Bell

  • Theorizing Myth: Narrative, Ideology, and Scholarship by Bruce Lincoln

  • The Origin of Worship: A Study in Primitive Religion by Rafael Karsten

  • The Cuisine of Sacrifice Among the Greeks Marcel Detienne and Jean-Pierre Vernant(*)


Scandinavian Studies

  • Culture of the Teutons by Vilhelm Gronbech

  • A Piece of Horse Liver: Myth, Ritual and Folklore in Old Icelandic Sources by Jon Hnrfill Adalsteinsson (*)

  • Under the Cloak: A Pagan Ritual Turning Point in the Conservation of Iceland by Jon Hnefill Adalsteinsson (*)

  • Lady with a Mead Cup: Ritual, Prophecy and lordship in the European warband from La Tene to the Viking Age by Michael J. Enright (*) 

  • Nordic Religions in the Viking Age by Thomas DuBois 

  • The Well and the Tree: World and Time in Early Germanic Culture by Paul C. Bauschatz (*)

  • Animals and Humans: Recurrent Symbiosis in Archaeology and Old Norse Religion by Kristina Jennbert 

  • Old Norse Religion in Long-Term Perspectives: Origins, Changes & interactions by Anders Andren, Kristina Jennbert 

  • The Road to Hel by H.R. Ellis-Davidson(*)

  • Women in the Viking Age by Judith Jesch (*)

  • The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity: A Sociohistorical Approach to Religious Transformation by James C. Russell (*)

  • Bloodtakeing and Peacemakeing: Feud, Law, and Society in Saga Iceland by William Ian Miller 

  • Roles of the Northern Goddess by Hilda Ellis Davidson

  • Witchcraft and Magic in the Nordic Middle Ages by Stephen A. Mitchell

  • More than Mythology: Narratives, Ritual Practices and the Regional Distribution | Pre-Christian Scandinavian Religions by Catharina Raudvere, Jens Peter Schjodt (*)

  • Mounting Sleipnir: Indo-European Roots of Germanic Polytheism by Michael William Denney 

  • Germanic Heathenry: A Practical Guide by James Hjuka Coulter 

  • Rudiments of Runelore by Stephen Pollimgton (*)

  • Barbarian Rites: The Spiritual World of the Vikings and the Germanic Tribes Paperback by Hans-Peter Hasenfratz Ph.D.

  • Ancient Germanic Warriors by Michael P. Speidel 

  • Heimskringla: History of the Kings of Norway by Snorri Sturluson

  • The Poetic and Prose Edda( We prefer Dronke's translation of the Poetic Edda. There are many translations available or both the younger and elder Edda.)

  • Saga of the Volsungs

  • Saga of the Icelanders

  • Myth and Religion of the North by E.O.G. Turville 

  • Tracing Old Norse Cosmology: The World Tree, Middle Earth and the Sun in Archeaological Perspectives by Anders Andren 

  • The One Eyed God: Odin and the Indo-Germanic Mannerbunde by Kris Kershaw (*)

  • Women in Old Norse Society by Jenny Jochens (*)

  • Norse Mythology: A Guide to Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs by John Lindow (*)

  • Song of the Vikings by Nancy M. Brown (*)

  • Teutonic Mythology, Volumes 1-4 by Jacob Grimm (*)

  • Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek (*)

  • Viking Worlds: Things, Spaces and Movement by Marianne Hem Eriksen (*)


Anglo-Saxon Studies 

  • The Cult of Kingship in Anglo-Saxon England: The Transition from Paganism to Christianity by William Chaney (*)

  • Path to the Gods: Anglo-Saxon Pagsnism for Beginners by Swain Wodening (*)

  • Hammer of the Gods: Anglo-Saxon Paganism in Modern Times by Swain Wodening (*)

  • We Are Our Deeds by Eric Wodening (*)

  • The Way of the Heathen: A Handbook of Greater Theodism by Garman Lord (*)

  • Tribal Custom in Anglo-Saxon Law by Frederic Seebohm 

  • Feasting the Dead: Food and Drink in Anglo-Saxon Burial Rituals by Christina Lee

  • Popular Religion in Late Saxon England: Elf Charms in Context by Karen Louise Jolly 

  • Looking for the Lost Gods of England by Kathleen Herbert 

  • Peace-Weavers and Shield Maidens: Woman in Early English Society by Kathleen Herbert (*)

  • English Heroic Legends by Kathleen Herbert 

  • Beowulf: A Dual-Language Edition by Howell D. Chickering (*)

  • Anglo-Saxon Medicine by Malcolm Laurence Cameron

  • Medieval Herbal Remedies: The old English Herbarium and Anglo-Saxon Medicine 

  • Imagining the Anglo-Saxon Past: The Search for Anglo-Saxon Paganism and Anglo-Saxon Trial by Jury by Eric Gerald Stanley

  • The Semiotics of Fate, Death, and the Soul in Germanic Culture: The Christianization of Old Saxon by Prisca Augustyn (*)

  • Rites and Religions of the Anglo-Saxons by Gale R. Owen

  • Anglo-Saxon FAQ's by Stephen Polligton 

  • The Elder Gods: The Otherworld of early England by Stephen Pollington (*)

  • The Mead Hall: The Feasting Tradition in Anglo-Saxton England by Stephen Pollington (*)

  • The English Warrior: From the Earliest Times Till 1066 Stephen Pollington 

  • Wordcraft: New English to Old English Dictionary and Thesaurus by Stephen Pollington 


Indo-European Studies 

  • Death, War, and Sacrifice: Studies in Ideology & Practice by Bruce Lincoln (*)

  • Theorizing Myth: Narrative, Ideology, and Scholarship by Bruce Lincoln

  • Deep Ancestors: Practicing the Religion of the Proto-Indo-Europeans by Ceisiwr Seriyh (*)

  • Indo-European Sacred Space: Vedic and Roman Cult by Roger D. Woodard (*)

  • Myth, Ritual, and the Warrior in Roman and Indo-European Antiquity by Roger D. Woodard (*)

  • In Search of the Indo-Europeans Paperback by J.P. Mallory 

  • Indo-European Poetry and Myth by M.L. West


Books by Mircea Eliade

  • The Myth of the Eternal return: Cosmos and History 

  • The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion

  • Images and symbols 

  • History of Religious ideas, Volume 1: From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian Mysteries

  • History of Religious Ideas, Volume 2: From Gautama Buddha to the Triumph of Christianity

  • A History of Religious Ideas, Vol. 3 From Muhammad to the Age of Reforms

  • Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy 

  • Myth and Reality


Books by Georges Dumezil

  • The Destiny of a King

  • Mitra-Varuna: An Essay on Two Indo-European Representations of Sovereignty

  • Gods of the Ancient Northmen

  • Archaic Roman Religion, Volumes 1&2 

  • The Destiny of the Warrior 

  • The Plight of a Sorcerer

  • Camillus: A Study of Indo-European Religion as Roman History 

  • The Stakes of the Warrior 

  • From Myth to Fiction: The Saga of Hadingus


Books by Claude Lecouteux

  • The Return of the Dead: Ghosts, Ancestors, and the Transparent Veil of the Pagan Mind

  • Demons and Spirits of the Land: Ancestral Lore and Practices

  • The Tradition of Household Spirits: Ancestral Lore and Practices 

  • Phantom Armies of the Night: The Wild Hunt and the Ghostly Processions of the Undead

Heathen Bookhoard

  •                    Some heathen related books and some that are not.

  •  Alley, Robert S., James Madison on Religious Liberty-

  • 1985; 338 pages

  • Anderson, Poul, War of the Gods-1997; 304 pages

  • Aswynn, Freya, Leaves of Yggdrasil: Runes Gods Magic

  • Feminine Mysteries Folklore-1992; 260 pages

  •  Bates, Brian, The Way of Wyrd: Tales of an Anglo-Saxon

  • Sorcerer-1992; 208 pages

  •  Bauschatz, Paul C., The Well and the Tree: World and Time in Early Germanic Culture-1982; 256 pages

  •  Bede, The Ecclesiastical History of the English People-

  • 1994 [731]; 445 pages

  • Bellows, Henry Adams, The Poetic Edda-2004; 251 pages

  • Blaker, Kimberly, The Fundamentals of Extremism; The

  • Christian Right in America-2003; 285 pages

  •  Boston, Robert, Why the Religious Right Is Wrong About the Separation of Church and State-2003; 281 pages  Branston, Brian, The Lost Gods of England-1957; 194 pages

  •  Byock, Jesse L., Medieval Iceland: Society, Sagas, and Power-1988; 264 pages

  •  Byock, Jesse L., Feud in the Icelandic Saga-1982; 293 pages

  •  Byock, Jesse L., trans., The Saga of the Volsungs, The

  • Norse Epic of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer-1990 (ca. 1200 c.e.); 145 pages

  •  Brury, J.B., The Invasion of Europe by the Barbarians-

  • 1967; 296 pages

  •  Burns, Thomas S., Rome and the Barbarians, 100 B.C.A.D. 400-2003; 461 pages

  •  Carter, Hodding W., An Illustrated Viking Voyage-200;

  • 147 pages

  •  Chadwick, H.M., The Cult of Othin: An Essay in the

  • Ancient Religion of the North-1994 (1899); 82 pages

  • Church, Forrest, The Separation of Church and State;

  • Writings on a Fundamental Freedom by America's Founders-2002; 160 pages

  •  Crampton, Patrick, Stonehenge of the Kings-1967; 171 pages

  •  Crossley-Holland, Kevin, The Norse Myths-1980; 276 pages

  •  Davidson, Hilda Ellis, Roles of the Northern Goddess-

  • 1998; 224 pages

  •  Davidson, Hilda R. Ellis, Gods and Myths of the Viking

  • Age-1964; 251 pages

  •  Davidson, Hilda R. Ellis, The Lost Beliefs of Northern

  • Europe-1993; 181 pages

  •  Davidson, Hilda R. Ellis, Myths and Symbols in Pagan

  • Europe: Early Scandinavian and Celtic Religions-1988;

  • 268 pages

  •  Davidson, Hilda R. Ellis, The Sword in Anglo-Saxon

  • England-1962; 250 pages

  •  Davidson, Hilda R. Ellis, Viking & Norse Mythology-1994;

  • 144 pages

  •  Diamond, Robert E., Old English, Grammer and Reader-

  • 1970; 304 pages

  •  Drew, Katherine F., The Burgundian Code-1992; 106 pages

  • Drew, Katherine F., The Lombard Laws-1989; 280 pages

  • Earnest, Corinne & Russell, Fraktur: Folk Art & Family1999; 192 pages

  •  Ellis, Hilda R., The Road to Hel: A Study of the

  • Conception of the Dead in Old Norse Literature-1943;

  • 208 pages

  •  Fisher, D.J.V, The Anglo-Saxon Age; c. 400-1042-1973;

  • 373 pages

  •  Fletcher, Richard, The Barbarian Conversion; From Paganism To Christianity-1998; 562 pages  Gamlinginn, The Orðasafn of Gamlinginn-1991; 248 pages

  •  Gardner, John, Grendel-1971; 152 pages

  • Glob, P. V., The Bog People: Iron-Age Man Preserved-

  • 1965; 200 pages

  • Godwin, Parke, The Tower of Beowulf-1996; 343 pages

  • Gordon, C.D., The Age of Attila-1960; 228 pages

  • Graham-Campbell, James, The Vikings-1980; 200 pages

  • Graham-Campbell, & others, Cultural Atlas of the Viking

  • World-1994; 240 pages

  • Grant, Michael, Julius Caesar-1969; 175 pages

  • Grundy, Stephan, Rhinegold-1994; 721 pages

  • Grundy, Stephan, Attila's Treasure-1996; 549 pages

  • Grundy, Stephan,Gilgamesh-2000; 575 pages

  • Grundy, Stephan, Beowulf-2010; 629 pages

  • Gundarsson, Kveldulfr Hagan, editor, Our Troth-1993; 711 pages

  • Gundarsson, Kveldulf, Teutonic Religion-1993; 403 pages

  • Gundarsson, Kveldulf, Teutonic Magic-1994; 311 pages

  • Harrison, Mark, Anglo-Saxon Thegn 449-1066 AD-1993;

  • 64 pages

  •  Harrison, Mark, Viking Hersir 793-1066 AD-1993; 64 pages

  •  Hall, J.R. Clark, A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary1960(1894); 432 pages

  • Head, Victor, Hereward-1995; 182 pages

  • Hollander, Lee M., The Poetic Edda-1994; 342 pages

  • Helm, P.K., Alfred the Great-1963; 205 pages

  • Holmes, Michael, King Arthur: A Military History-1996;

  • 179 pages

  •  Ingham, Marion F., The Goddess Freyja and Other

  • Female Figures in Germanic Mythology and Folklore ,

  • Ph.D. Thesis-1985; 283 pages [UMI Dissertation Service 1800-521-0600]

  •  Ingram, Reverand J.,trans., The Saxon Chronicle-1993

  • (1823); 463 pages

  • James, Edward, The Franks-1988; 265 pages

  • Jimenez, Ramon L., Caesar Against the Celts-2001; 285 pages

  •  Jolly, Karen Louise, Popular Religion In Late Saxon England; Elf Charms In Context-1996; 251 pages Jones, Gwyn, A History of the Vikings-1984; 504 pages

  •  Jones, Prudence and Pennick, Nigel, A History of Pagan Europe-1995; 262 pages

  • Kirby, D.P., The Earliest English Kings-1991; 241 pages Kramnick, Isaac & Moore, R. Laurence, The Godless

  • Constitution; The Case Against Religious Correctness1997; 191 pages

  •  Macintyre, Ben, Forgotten Fatherland: The Search for

  • Elisabeth Nietzsche-1992; 256 pages

  •  Maccoby, Hyam, The Mythmaker: Paul And The

  • Invention Of Christianity-1986; 237 pages

  •  MacDowall, Simon, Germanic Warrior 236-568 AD-1996;

  • 64 pages

  •  Magnusson M., Palsson H. trans, Laxdæla Saga-1969

  • (c.1245); 268 pages

  •  Magnusson M., Palsson H. trans, The Vinland Sagas, The

  • Norse Discovery of America-1965; 121 pages

  • Magnusson, Magnus, Icelandic Saga-1987; 246 pages

  • Merrifield, The Archaeology of Ritual and Magic-1987;

  • 224 pages

  •  Metzner, Ralph, The Well of Remembrance:

  • Rediscovering the Earth Wisdom Myths of Northern Europe-1994; 334 pages

  •  Moberg, Vilhelm, A History of the Swedish People, I & II1971; 478 pages

  •  Myres, J.N.L., The English Settlements; English Political and Social Life From the Collapse of Roman Rule to the Emergence of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms-1986; 252 pages

  •  Musset, Lucien, The Germanic Invasions; The Making of

  • Europe 400-600 A.D.-1965; 287 pages

  •  Nolt, Steven M., Foreigners in Their Own Land; Pennsylvania Germans in the Early Republic-2002; 238 pages

  •  Nicolle, David PhD, Arthur and the Anglo-Saxon Wars-

  • 1984; 40 pages

  • Owen, Gale R., Rites and Religions of the Anglo-Saxons-

  • 1981; 216 pages

  • Paxson, Diana L., Brisingamen-1984; 261 pages Paxson, Diana L., The Wolf and the Raven-1993; 328 pages

  •  Paxson, Diana L., The Dragons of the Rhine-1995; 400 pages

  • Paxson, Diana L., The Lord of Horses-1996; 400 pages Pirenne, Henri, Mohammed and Charlemagne-1992; 293 pages

  •  Poliakov, Léon, The Aryan Myth; A History of Racist and

  • Nationalistic Ideas in Europe-1971; 388 pages

  •  Pollington, Stephen, Wordcraft: Concise Dictionary & Thesaurus, Modern English-Old English-1993; 249 pages

  •  Randers-Pehrson, Justine, Barbarians and Romans, The

  • Birth Struggle of Europe, A.D. 400-700-1983; 400 pages  Rebsamen, Frederick, trans., Beowulf-1991(700 c.e.); 111 pages

  •  Robinson, Orrin W., Old English and Its Closest

  • Relatives-1992; 290 pages

  •  Russell, James C., The Germanization of Early Medieval

  • Christianity-1994; 258 pages

  •  Salway, Peter, The Oxford Illustrated History of Roman Britain-1993; 563 pages

  • Sklar, Dusty, The Nazis and the Occult-1977; 180 pages

  • Smith, A.G., Viking Designs-1999; 44 pages

  • Smiley, Jane (preface), The Sagas of Icelanders-1997; 782 pages

  • Smyth, Alfred P., King Alfred the Great-1995; 744 pages Snook, Jennifer, American Heathens: The Politics of Identity in a Pagan Religious Movement-2015: 221 pages

  • Storms, Dr. G., Anglo-Saxon Magic-1974; 335 pages

  • Sawyer, P.H., Kings and Vikings-1994; 182 pages

  • Sturlusson, Snorri, Edda (Prose)-1987 (1220-30 c.e.); trans.

  • A. Faulkes; 252 pages

  • Sturlason, Snorre, trans. A. H. Smith, Heimskringla, or

  • The Lives of the Norse Kings-1990 (1235 c.e.); 770 pages

  •  Simek, Rudolf, Dictionary of Northern Mythology-1984; 424 pages

  •  Tacitus, The Agricola and The Germania-1970 (98 c.e.); 175 pages

  • Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome-1971; 455 pages Terry, Patricia, The Poems of the Elder Edda-1990; 268 pages

  • Tetlow, Edwin, Hastings-1992; 224 pages

  • Tilton, Lois, Written in Venom-2000; 145 pages

  • Tolkien, J.R.R., Hengest and Finn, The Fragment and the Episode-1983; 180 pages

  •  Walker, Ian W., Harold, The Last Anglo-Saxon King-1997;

  • 258 pages

  •  Welch, Martin, Discovering Anglo-Saxon England-1992;

  • 144 pages

  • Wells, Peter S., The Barbarians Speak-1999; 335 pages

  • Wilcox, Peter, Rome's Enemies 1 Germanics and

  • Dacians-1982; 40 pages

  •  Wilson, Eva, Early Medieval Designs From Britain-1983;

  • 100 pages

  • Wilson, Derek A., Charlemagne-2006; 226 pages

  • Whitlock, Ralph, The Warrior Kings of Saxon England-

  • 1993; 160 pages

  •  Wodening, Eric, The Old English Rune Poem:

  • Translation and Interpetation-2011; 86 pages

  •  Wodening, Eric, We Are Our Deeds: The Elder

  • Heathenry, Its Ethic and Thew-2011: 109 pages

  •  Wodening, Swain, Beyond Good and Evil: Wyrd and

  • Germanic Heathen Ethics-1994; 29 page booklet

  • Wolfram, Herwig, History of the Goths-1988; 613 pages

  • Wolfram, Herwig, The Roman Empire and Its Germanic

  • Peoples-1997; 361 pages

  •  Yoder, Don & Graves, Thomas E., Hex Signs: Pennsylvania Dutch Barn Symbols & Their Meaning-2000: 86 pages

General Studies
Scandinavian Studies
Anglo-Saxon Studies
Indo-European Studies 
Books by Mircea Eliade
Books by Georges Dumezil
Books By Claude Lecouteux
Heathen BookHoard
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